Sustainability and environmental consultancy

We provide a comprehensive range of services to help all stakeholders assess, quantify and manage their relationship with the natural environment sustainably, now and in the future.

Training and capacity building services

We understand the importance of capacity building for sustainable development. Our services are designed to provide custom made guidance and support to institutions and enable them to embed sustainable practices in their business operations as well as respond to the increasing global challenges. We are committed to helping multiple stakeholders to build core skills in competencies in diverse areas such as leadership and governance, Local Economic Development (LED), participatory planning, occupational safety & Health, embedding sustainability all within the framework of good local governance and sustainable development.

Stakeholder engagement is central to local and national development and equally important to much of GFL’s work as this ensures that everyone with an interest has an effective say in the development and to gain the stakeholders’ active support. We are also experienced in helping the various stakeholders involved in the development process to reach consensus through a mutual gains approach to negotiation and build capacity towards stakeholders’ analysis and engagement. This can include a wide range of methods such as workshops and questionnaires.

Natural resources management

Natural resources are a source of livelihood for communities and economies and thus must be developed, conserved and managed sustainably to allow future generations to benefit.

Sustainable use and protection of the environment and natural resources has remained pivotal for the full range of development priorities and is at the centre stage for most of the SDGs. As such, this is a key area of our work, cutting across many sectors such as agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, integrated water resource management, flood risk management, soil erosion, wildlife, climate adaptation and mitigation, renewable energies and rural & urban development in general.

We work with local communities, organizations, private sector and governments to manage their natural resources and environment better in face of changing conditions.

Research & development

We embrace strongly the power of research and development in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and that’s why we offer research and professional consultancy services in response to the needs of our clients and stakeholders like in order to provide bespoke innovative solutions and incorporating the latest technical knowledge through partnerships and collaboration.

Planning & Feasibility studies

GFL performs feasibility studies for a wide clientele in assessing the viability of projects through the lens of sustainable development. We endeavor to deliver on responsible investments and planning that incorporate the social economic & environmental objectives. Often, we team with other firms that have a focus in other disciplines to ensure delivery of a sound and positively impacting product.

Assessment Impacts (AIs)

The company undertakes AIs which are tools which concerns better and informed policy & decision-making to assess effects of decisions before they are taken through systematic steps such as problem definition, policy options and mitigation efforts. Depending on the requirement, this takes different sectoral form such as business, social and health IAs.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); which considers environmental effects of projects identified and assessed before decision is taken

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA); undertaken on plans and programmes which are likely to have a significant effect on the environment. The aim is to inform the decision making process in a way which will ensure more sustainable and effective solutions.

Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA); All the three pillars of sustainable development are integrated into one assessment procedure upon which the interdependence of dimensions is analysed before decisions are taken. It considers systematic and iterative process of the likely economic, social and environmental impacts of policies, plans, programmes and strategies enabling stakeholders concerned to participate proactively.

Cleaner Production Assessment (CPA); is the continuous application of an integrated, preventive, environmental strategy applied to processes, products and services to increase overall efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment. It is important in the drive towards a greener economy

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); is a tool that allows companies to evaluate the level of environmental impact produced by their services or products.

Other products

Green & renewable technologies

Integrated Waste management plans